Early Stage Specification Process

Step 3: Network Analysis and Modelling

Having established a set of requirements, concept solutions and an indication of train service it is time to check how these work together. This means using specialist resource to get the ITSS modelled on existing infrastructure to ascertain pinch points that require interventions. Remember the Early Stage Specification Tool and consider timetable first as this is the easiest to change. Infrastructure should be the last option considered.

The output required from the modelling work is a report detailing:

  • How the work was done
  • Assumptions
  • Risks and Opportunities
  • Range of options and capability delivered defined as train service output with a focus on non infrastructure options before infrastructure options.
  • Capability required of each intervention with a concept solution

This drives the solution by specifying the capability of the interventions necessary to create a concept solution to drive a system capability change.

Refer back to the hierarchy in the Early Stage Specification Tool and consider the following questions for effective development:

  • Can the output change be delivered now with the network as it is, simply by changing the timetable, which may of course be a complex exercise?
  • Are there any trade-offs in train services that will allow delivery of the output change with the network as it is by changing the timetable?
  • Can the output change be delivered through a change to rolling stock alone?
  • Does the output change require us to change the infrastructure?

Even at this step the emerging information may mean that it is time to reconsider whether rail is still the appropriate mode when taking account of potential costs. As the scale of the challenge starts to be understood a high level view of whether a heavy rail option has a chance of passing a value for money test should be emerging. If this looks unlikely or there are other modal opportunities that may offer a better strategic fit then it may be time to revisit the multi modal assessment tool or to implement your exit strategy.